MEGAVAUX Company details. Based in the East Midlands, near the M1 for easy access and established for over 10 years we supply a comprehensive range of Vauxhall or Opel new, used parts throughout the UK, Ireland, Europe and World Wide.
With our advanced parts stock control database our fully trained Vauxhall and Isuzi specialists can advise then locate or order spares and quickly deliver from our large warehouse a massive range of parts and accessories.
Payment may be made in cash, cheque or by credit card through our counter services or through mail order by cheque and credit card. We accept all major credit cards.
Parts Range
Specialists in Vauxhall or Opel new, used spares and accessories.
Breaking over 500 cars currently with more new, used parts added daily we are one of the largest and best established vehicle dismantlers in the UK.
Ordering may be undertaken through our trade counter, by telephone, mail order or through our ecommerce website.
Legal Information
Company Number: 4688764
VAT Number: GB 684 1001 59
A fully comprehensive guarantee is supplied with all parts both used, and new, used parts are supported with a 3 month guarantee and new parts may vary by manufacturer with a minimum of 12 months as standard. This guarantee does not affect your consumer rights.
We offer 24 or 48 hour delivery to anywhere in the uk. We also have a special delivery on Saturday before 12 noon.
Payment Options
Payment may be made in cash, cheque or by credit card through our counter services or through mail order by cheque and credit card. We accept all major credit cards.